Please read the terms and conditions well before you attend our Source Meeting or before you sign up today.
By participating in a Source Meeting you agree to the terms and conditions below.
- The Source Meeting (group session or individual session) will take place at the appointed time and at the agreed location.
- Please read the manual and instructions of the Source Meeting well before the event takes place. These are available in a pdf document on the website or can be sent to you by email after we have received your payment.
- The room will open half an hour before Umoja’s Source Meeting starts. Out of respect for all the participants we find it important to have a spacious time of arrival and departure time, before and after the source meeting.
- We will start in time. Arriving late may mean that you cannot enter the room. In that case we will not refund payments.
- To ensure a safe atmosphere during a Source Meeting it is necessary that personal experiences can be shared in confidence. Participating in a Source Meeting means that you are considered to respect this confidentiallity.
- You can sign up for a Source Meeting on the booking system on our website. In case of problems please contact us via our website.
- Your personal data will be saved and used for your registration and will be handled confidentially. We only ask for necessary data in the required fields (your name, address, telephone number, email address, subject and message). We will not pass your personal data on to third parties. Your data can be used for sending you a newsletter. You can sign off for his newsletter at all times.
- Every Source Meeting will be paid for in advance.
- Payments for group meetings can be arranged directly online via your bank.
- For individual sessions: please pay online via your bank or check the practical information on our website whether cash payments are accepted on location.
- For payments of a Source Meeting based on a invoice, you are required to pay within 14 days after the billing date.
- If you are unable to attend the Source Meeting or the individual session we request you to cancel at least 24 hours in advance by email.
- We always charge the full contribution of the Source Meeting or individual session.
- We reserve the right to cancel a Source Meeting in case of personal circumstances or due to circumstances beyond our control. In that case we will offer restitution or an alternative.
- Footage: at some Source Meetings we make footage (film or photographs). The recorded images are property of Umoja World – Keesjan van der Klooster from Goes. Check the practical information whether we will make footage at the next Source Meeting. If you don’t want footage being made of you then we ask you to inform the Umoja team before the Source Meeting starts. Without informing us you agree, by attending the Source Meeting, that footage will be taken en will be used for promotional/informative purposes.
In case of illness always consult a general practicioner or a specialist. Umoja’s work never replaces any medical or psychological treatments. It is supplementary. I reserve myself the right to refuse to give a Source Meeting. I do not offer miracles and are no member of a religious sect. I don’t socialize with my clients. Our activities are not aimed at maintaining business relationships or friendships.
Umoja World – Keesjan van der Klooster, Goes.
This is the Privacy en Cookie Statement of Umoja World – Keesjan van der Klooster, established in Goes. Umoja World – Keesjan van der Klooster respects the privacy of all site users and ensures you that the personal information you give me will be treated confidentially and carefully. By entering you personal data on our website you agree to Umoja World – Keesjan van der Klooster using your personal data under this Privacy and Cookie Statement.
By visiting our website your browser, for technical reasons, automatically sends data to our webserver. This concerns data about date and time of your visit to our website, the URL of referring sites, requested files, the amount of data transmitted, type and version of the browser, operating system and your IP address.
The data you enter on our website in order to use our offer, will be saved separately from other data. Linking data to one particular person is not possible for us.
So called cookies are used for this. A cookie marks the information a webserver sends to a browser which a browser sends back to the same webserver at a next visit to the site. (a so called ‘browser cookie’ or ‘session cookie’). With cookies it’s possible to save information between visits to websites. Cookies enable (online shop) servers to visit the user’s (visitor’s) browser and to recognize the user/visitor of the website.
Most cookies we use are ‘session cookies’. These will automatically be erased after your visit tot he website. A cookie can only contain information that the provider of the site sends to the user; private data of the user can not be read. Please bare in mind that cookies can only be called by the maker of the cookies. So no other online providers can read these cookies.
Your contribution
Important to mention about the Umoja Source Meeting (Darshans) is that participants can make a contribution to their own insight and ability. And that if you’re not able to contribute, for whatever reason, it is possible to receive the gift of the Source freely. A certain percentage of all contributions will be given to charities that Keesjan has intuitively chosen. Of course you are always welcome to donate without attending a session.

keesjan in your city
Keesjan wants to visit as much countries and people as possible to spread and anchor the Universal light of consciousness. If you are interested in organizing a Umoja Source Encounter with Keesjan in your own town or country you can send a message. Our coordinators will contact you to see what the possibilities are.